
Re-Imagining Society Post Covid

Re-Imagining Society Post Covid

This crisis & lockdown could be the greatest catalyst for re-writing the script of living in 21st century. Has this situation enabled us to wake up and see what’s really important? Have we used the time to reflect? Ask yourself: What is in my face that I need to...

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Personal Growth in Challenging Times.

This global pandemic has forced us all to take a time out -- as well as provide an opportunity to look inside of who we really are. Sophia Louisa, a Los Angeles screenwriter, producer, actor & artist, interviews me, regarding the current covid crisis.I share...

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Show Compassion to an Addict not Condemnation

Show Compassion to an Addict not Condemnation

Addiction whether it's drugs, alcohol, over eating, shopping, gambling, promiscuous sex, or any other kind of unhealthy, destructive, compulsive behaviour is not about the's about disconnection.....and not only disconnection with others.... but MORE...

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Addiction is a Myth

Addiction is a Myth

I don’t believe in the notion of ‘addiction’. People don’t become ‘addicted’, they instead get dependent on a behaviour that meets their needs. By calling something an addiction, it can encourage the person demonstrating it to absolve themselves of any responsibility,...

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Embrace Your Negative Emotions

Embrace Your Negative Emotions

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ARE ESSENTIAL TO WELLBEING AND HAPPINESS Feeling Agitated, Anxious and Angry, Sad, Bad or Mad? Great!! New research has found that negative emotions are essential to well-being.A concept that Stoics and Greek Thinkers embraced way back. In our...

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