Jun 3, 2020 | Life Coaching
A great week was had at Nottingham Trent University for ‘Post Graduate Personal Development’ week, with an amazing selection of inspirational and motivational speakers. My workshop ‘Superpowers for Success-Mindfulness and Emotional...
Jun 3, 2020 | Children's Wellness
Young people who develop high E.Q. are are less likely to have anger management issues or suffer anxiety and depression, use alcohol or drugs, self-harm, display anti-social behaviours, or get caught up in bullying. They are more likely to achieve academic...
Jun 3, 2020 | Children's Wellness
In this increasingly fast moving and unpredictable world, where rapid social change is the norm, academic qualifications will no longer be enough to compete and succeed in life. There is an increasing need for developing social and emotional skills in our young...